Displaying Your Sword

By Adelia Ladson

Based on what kind of space you have, there are a couple of ways to display your sword or swords. You can display them with a freestanding display system or a wall-mounted display system. Both kinds of stands come in multiple shapes and sizes that will either accommodate one sword or a number of swords.

Single Sword Stand The Musashi Single Sword Stand is padded with red velvet.
Single Sword Stand The Musashi Single Sword Stand is padded with red velvet.
The freestanding display is great when you really have the freedom to designate an area specifically for your prized possessions. There are a few options in this category including the Upright Sword Display Stand. Most displays are built to show your sword horizontally, using grips that are either padded or not for your sword to rest in. I personally prefer that the grips are padded as they are in the Musashi Single Sword Stand with Red Velvet. For one, it just looks more luxe and two, a katana’s scabbard is beautifully lacquered, which means it can be scratched if you’re not careful. But that’s just me. If you are an avid collector and have several swords you want to display, don’t worry, you are covered. The Samurai 16 will hold 16 katanas without breaking a sweat. So, keep buying to your heart’s content. If you are a collector of the entire Samurai sword set, the Honshu Collector’s Display Stand will hold your katana, wakizashi and tanto elegantly and securely as it accounts for the different lengths of blades.

Kit Rae Sword Stand This is a Kit Rae designed wall display.
Kit Rae Sword StandThis is a Kit Rae designed wall display.
The advantage of having a wall display stand is that it gets your sword up and out of the way of children and pets. This is a way to avoid disaster if your sword has the possibility of being endanger of either of these. The most obvious reason to choose this method of display is if you don’t have a good area for a freestanding display to be placed. You can also get a Musashi wall display with the velveted grips and a wall display that will hold as many as eight katanas. Wall displays seem to be particularly popular with movie reproduction swords and fantasy swords that are displayed vertically on a plaque as with the Kit Rae Fantasy Design. A note of caution, however, if you choose to display your valuable swords with a wall-mounted system. Make sure that you take the time to attach the display securely to the wall instead of just “getting it hung in a hurry.” You would hate for it to come crashing down and scratch your scabbard or ruin your sword because you didn’t take the extra care.

Grim Reaper Pocket Folder The Musashi Shinto Katana is made of solid cast resin.
Grim Reaper Pocket Folder The Musashi Shinto Katana is made of solid cast resin.
Although most display stands are constructed of wood, the Musashi Shinto Katana Sword Stand is constructed of a solid cast resin and it really does look incredible. A katana is cradled by the display stand with an almost “barely there” look so that the sword is definitely showcased to its full potential. The stand is decorative in an understated way so as not to clash with the presentation of the sword.

So, with all of the options that you have of displaying your swords, don’t just keep them in your closet or resting underneath your bed. They are beautiful pieces of art that you should be proud to display in your home.

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