FREE Honshu Sword Oil!
With your purchase of $99 or more!
(While supplies last.)
With your purchase of $99 or more!
(While supplies last.)
Enter promo code: 46U5W in your cart.
Restrictions Apply
Terms & Conditions: This offer expires February 25th 2024, 11:59PM EST and is valid on retail purchased only. $99.00 minimum purchase required. If Expedited shipping is selected the expedited surcharge will be added to the order sub-total. Non-continental USA delivery charges, and applicable taxes apply. This offer cannot be applied to previous purchases. Offer only valid on in stock items. Engraving fees do not count towards the order minimum. Valid on Domestic Orders Only. Vaild only on IN STOCK merchandise only. See description of FREE Honshu Sword Oil. (While Supplies Last!)